Prerequisite: Completion of a YWAM DTS
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Prerequisite: Completion of a YWAM DTS
The provision of God can be uncomfortable to talk about especially when it comes to money. It freaks a lot of people out and that’s totally understandable.
God is very familiar with people freaking out and not totally trusting in him. These stories are all over the Bible.
It’s important to mention though that God has always taken care of his people, especially those that are doing the work of God.
God often calls us to do things that are beyond our natural abilities so that he can demonstrate his character through our trust in him. Even in this short list of Biblical references the characters often are beyond what’s comfortable or familiar to them.
If you think ‘that could never be me’ I want to invite you to the passages of scripture where someone is called by God. Often they try to come up with excuses and say why God doesn’t call them but he makes a way.
Hebrews 13:8 says that, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.”
We can easily come up with excuses, just like so many bible characters we see but God is way more invested in us than we are to ourselves. Just think if these people in the bible would have let their excuse win out over what God was calling them to do?!
When God called me to do a DTS, I was reluctant to say yes because I didn’t know how I would fund the program. After discovering that I would need a deposit of $500 prior to arriving, I told God, “If you are wanting me to do a DTS, please provide the deposit as a way of confirming.” On an average day at work, my role was last minute swapped with someone else’s, which allowed me to make over $500 in tips in ONE DAY! I was blown away at how God orchestrated things so that he could bless me and provide for me for what he was calling me to do. This story was only one of many about God’s provision as I continued to say YES to him.
I definitely felt nervous upon hearing the call of the Lord because I knew that if I chose missions, I would be giving up a life of what I deemed as comfortable. Knowing that I wanted to work with youth but then feeling like the Lord was convicting me and storing up a passion to not do that here in the states. I knew I would be surrendering my ideal life or what I saw my life looking like.
I think encouragement from others in knowing that surrendering everything to the Lord is worth everything. And then getting to experience that in my own life helped me overcome my fears and obstacles.
Obedience to the Lord is so worth it. I’ve gotten to experience and see things that I never would if I hadn’t. -Emma
Of course I hesitated in doing DTS because I was unsure first of all if this was for me, I was unsure even if the community here was going to be inviting, the first time I got here I thought it was going to be like boot camp of some sort.
After volunteering for a while I then realized that this is a God centered community. People were very welcoming and inviting. I got to learn from others about what YWAM truly is and what its purpose is.
The best thing I've enjoyed about YWAM is the fact that everyone is centered on God, we help each other and build eachother up in order to continue pursuing God. Our relationship with God is both personal and community based. It's amazing to see how far I've come since I've been here and how I've grown and healed. God placed me here at the right time in the right place. -Josh
These Stories on Fundraising
YWAM Salem, Oregon → We want to help you discover your passions and gifts and provide channels for you to use those to serve God in the world and missions.
Address: 7085 Battle Creek Rd SE Salem, OR 97317 — Phone Number: 1-971-719-1134
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