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Loving Jesus - Reaching Adventure Sports Enthusiasts

Jan 2, 2024 12:07:31 PM

Strongmen, skateboarders, and slackliners are captivating in their own right. But how can they become missionaries?

Since adventure sports traditionally appeal to young adults, it's important to mention their relevance in the context of ministry. Adventure sports, also known as extreme sports, attract adrenaline junkies and spectators, both in person and on social media, who rarely set foot in a church. 

But as you learn in a YWAM DTS, athletes can draw crowds, share the gospel, and establish personal connections at the same time.


Reaching 60,000 and counting with a Ropes Course By Samuel Matthias

Twenty-five years ago, YWAM Salem started a Ropes Challenge Course to offer schools, businesses, clubs, and families an opportunity to step out of their comfort zones and bring challenges and inspiration to their lives and teams. 

Our skilled facilitators customize programs to achieve team-based goals such as communication, risk assessment, and leadership development, while participants engage in any of our 26 different high and low elements. We reach diverse groups including middle schools, colleges, first responders, minority groups, businesses, churches, sports teams, and families. 

Over the past 25 years, more than 60,000 residents have benefited from YWAM Salem's team-building Ropes Course, fostering a strong sense of trust and favor between YWAM and the Mid-Willamette Valley community.

I was deeply moved when our public school superintendent, responsible for about 40,000 students, told me that the day on the Ropes Course might be the only time some of these kids receive encouragement throughout the whole year.

During the period of heightened protests against police brutality in 2020, we were able to bring together law enforcement with minority groups on the Ropes Course, inspiring communication, trust, and collaboration. Many friendships that continue to this day were forged on that occasion.

These are just two examples of how God has used the Ropes Course for His redemptive purposes.



Jesus was a Thru-hiker By Ryan Unger

Jesus understands the struggle of dealing with constant interruptions and moving at a snail's pace of 3 miles per hour. 

Embodying that spirit, back in 2012, a question was posed: "Could we do a DTS Outreach on, like, a crazy long trail?" Even though it seemed nearly impossible, we started our journey toward making it a reality in 2014, spreading the word while trekking over 2,000 miles and reaching out to about 250 people on our path.

The "Father of the National Parks” John Muir said, "The mountains are calling, and I must go..."  which shows how he felt the connection of these so-called, “Thin Spaces” between the earth and the sky. But the Apostle Paul took it a step further and talked about how we see God's power and nature through the stuff He made (Romans 1:20).

So, over the last decade, I have walked 12,000 miles, exploring some mind-blowing spots and spreading the word of Jesus as I went. From navigating rough terrains to crossing rivers and climbing crazy high mountains, I can’t ignore how nature reflects God's invisible qualities.

I remember this one time when after meeting a new friend I walked 200 miles with him as he grilled me on my faith, the Bible, and all sorts of deep stuff at our chill 3 miles per hour pace. Then, we turned a corner, and BOOM! Snowy peaks and rocky mountains everywhere. We were speechless. 

With tears in his eyes, my friend turned to me and said, “I want more of Jesus in my life like you have.” My friend asked if we could do this communion thing that we discussed earlier in the week. So in the middle of the mountains, we sat on a log, shared a Snickers, and had an electrolyte drink mix as his first communion as a new Christian.



Reaching NASCAR drivers By Bob Butcher

I found my way into the world of auto racing through my love for the sport, which began when I was just a kid tagging along with my older brother to a race. Since then, my life has revolved around being a committed Christian, a loving husband, a father, a Pastor, a Missionary, and a passionate racer.

Growing up, I had the incredible opportunity to learn from some of the greatest NASCAR legends, who taught me everything about the sport. Even during my time in the Air Force, I kept my ties to auto racing alive, which I still consider a total blessing.

When I found my faith in Christ, racing took on a whole new meaning. I have been a NASCAR Chaplain since 1997. It means serving race drivers, pit crew members, car owners, and Officials. I can relate to the racers on a personal level, understanding their language, their competitive drive, and the struggles they face. Auto racing remains a tough and risky sport that takes a toll on everyone involved.

As entertainers, these athletes, especially the racers, have a huge impact on society, with their every move under the media's microscope. Fame comes at the high personal price of public scrutiny which often makes me sick when I am trying to help them through it. It is impossible to count the cost that the countless hours of preparation and competition have on these men and women physically, mentally, emotionally, socially, and spiritually.

I'm grateful to be there for them during their victories and their toughest moments. To be a familiar and reassuring presence pointing them to Jesus in personal milestones or tragedies.

With God, anything is possible. Even the things that seem impossible to fix, He can make right in ways we can't even imagine. So, as we continue our work as Chaplains, may God's plans and purpose shine through everything we do.


These are just three examples of how God uses sport to reach people with his love in our own lives. They serve as an example of incredible outreach toward diverse individuals wherever they may be in life. Adventure sport is for those living beyond their comfort zones, exploring boundaries, and conquering fear. We feel truly alive when our adrenaline surges. These passions forge us into tight-knit communities around our sports, making it a fantastic opportunity to build friendships and tangibly share the love of God. 

Extreme athletes and adventure tourists need Jesus! Whether you are a base jumper, surfer, racer, rock climber, thru-hiker, or underwater basket weaver, let your passion be the bridge to connect people to Jesus! Get equipped to effectively minister through sports and make a real difference in the world through the YWAM DTS Sports Ministry Elective.

Samuel Matthias, Ryan Unger, and Bob Butcher

Interested in Jesus, adventure, and growing in your faith?

Do a Discipleship Training School, YWAM Salem's flagship missionary training course. It's a great gap year option. It's also perfect for anyone looking to step out of the ordinary and grow in their faith.

How does it work?

First, you’ll spend 3 months getting to know God amongst a vibrant Christian community and the inspiring beauty of the Pacific Northwest. Then you’ll embark on a life-changing 2-month overseas missions trip, focused on making God known with your new skills. A new DTS starts every September, January, April, and June!

Fill out the form below to learn more.

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