Prerequisite: Completion of a YWAM DTS
Click below to make a school related payment for a DTS or one of our secondary schools. If you are trying to give to one of our students, this is where you go!
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Click below to make a one time donation or set up monthly donations to support one of our YWAM Salem staff member's ministries.
Make a DonationClick below to make a payment for a hospitality room, staff fees, Mission Adventures, or any other misc. payment.
Make a PaymentAs a regular donor, we recommend creating an account. This will keep your year-to-date totals correct, your information will be saved so you will not have to enter it each time you want to make a donation, and you will be able to manage any recurring giving you set up. Hello
YWAM Salem is embarking on a campaign to expand our facilities in response to the coming wave of young missionaries.
Phase 1 Goal: $4,590,000
In order to achieve our long-term vision and train the next generation of missionaries, YWAM Salem must first expand and improve its facilities in 3 strategic ways.
Student dormitory: As we prepare to train and send more missionaries, we need more beds for them to sleep in. This new 7,077 sq. ft. dorm will add 44 beds, classroom, and a lounge to meet our emerging needs!
Infrastructure and Permits: In order to prepare the YWAM Salem Campus for expansion, we secured comprehensive conditional use permits. We recently broke ground on our core systems, like water, road, and septic systems! These upgrades will literally lay the foundations for the future.
Material costs have increased significantly, and due to county conditions, like a required welcome/ security center, we anticipate 15% more cost than projected!
We are asking donors to join us in reaching our goals and making the dream of activating a generation to disciple the nations a reality!
You can make a one-time donation or set up monthly recurring donations. All donations are tax-deductible!
If you'd like more information on the YWAM Salem capital campaign or other giving options, please email development@ywamsalem.org
Of the world's people groups are unreached with the gospel. That means over 3 billion people worldwide do not know the good news of Jesus Christ.
Of Millennials consider a company’s commitment to social causes when deciding where to work. They want to do something they feel really matters.
Statistics from Joshua Project, Tim Elmore, Barna Group
Located on 35 acres in Oregon’s capital city, YWAM Salem is a non-profit, international and interdenominational Christian organization focusing on missions training, local and global outreach, and coaching young people through our flagship program, The Discipleship Training School (DTS). We help people discover their gifts and calling and use those to serve God in the world—especially the unreached.
We believe all people were created to know God and to dare to believe He can change history with your life. But there's a problem. 3 billion people in the world have never heard the name of Jesus, and countless young people feel disconnected from God’s story.
We’re on a mission to change that by targeting 2 key demographics: unactivated youth and unreached people.
At YWAM Salem, we are committed to growth. And we're planning for it.
This phase adds an additional 10,800 square foot versatile student dormitory building, bringing our total capacity to 300+ students.
Project Cost: $5 million
A place for our community to meet as a whole and additional classroom space for our expanding programs. This 11,500 square foot building will have seating for 350+. Three classrooms that each seat 50+ and room to store materials.
Projected Cost: $4 million
This includes 6 family oriented units, 16 single oriented units, 8 speaker/guest units, and increases staff capacity by 45% up to 120. Additionally, these new living quarters house our team close to the students they are mentoring. This is critical to the live-learn environment in which we disciple.
Projected Cost: $6.5 million
We are asking donors to join us in activating youth and reaching the unreached with the gospel. If you'd like more information on the YWAM Salem capital campaign, please email development@ywamsalem.org.
Dallas Willard
Late author and professor of Philosophy at USC
Bryant Myers, Professor of Transformational Development, Fuller Theological Seminary; former Vice-President, World Vision
Franklin Graham
President and CEO, Billy Graham Evangelistic Association
Rebecca St. James
YWAM Salem, Oregon → We want to help you discover your passions and gifts and provide channels for you to use those to serve God in the world and missions.
Address: 7085 Battle Creek Rd SE Salem, OR 97317 — Phone Number: 1-971-719-1134