Prerequisite: Completion of a YWAM DTS
Click below to make a school related payment for a DTS or one of our secondary schools. If you are trying to give to one of our students, this is where you go!
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Click below to make a one time donation or set up monthly donations to support one of our YWAM Salem staff member's ministries.
Make a DonationClick below to make a payment for a hospitality room, staff fees, Mission Adventures, or any other misc. payment.
Make a PaymentAs a regular donor, we recommend creating an account. This will keep your year-to-date totals correct, your information will be saved so you will not have to enter it each time you want to make a donation, and you will be able to manage any recurring giving you set up. Hello
Prerequisite: Completion of a YWAM DTS
YWAM’s training programs aim to equip Christians to serve others in areas of their gifts and calling. Each of our schools combine theory with practical application and take place in a live/learn environment here on our campus in Salem, Oregon. Our courses range from 3-6 months and often include an international field assignment!
Do a Discipleship Training School, YWAM’s flagship missionary training course. First, you’ll spend 3 months getting to know God along side a vibrant Christian community and the inspiring beauty of the Pacific Northwest. Explore our YWAM campus today with a virtual tour. Then you’ll embark on a life-changing 2-month overseas missions trip, focused on making God known. Submit your info to learn more.
→ A new DTS starts every September, January, April, and June!
Length: 36 Weeks
Next School: March 2025
School of Biblical Studies is a 9-month dive into all 66 books of the Bible, equipping you to study, understand, and apply the word of God in your life and the nations.
Length: 12 Weeks, plus optional 8 week outreach
Next School: March 2025
The Foundations for Counseling Ministry school (FCM) is a 12 week course (plus an optional outreach) aimed to introduce students to a Biblical framework for Christian counseling. FCM is about learning the ways of God in order to provide counsel from a Biblical point of view.
Length: 12 weeks
The Outward Apologetics School (OAS) is a 12-week YWAM secondary school that will equip you to share the gospel with anyone, anywhere.
Length: 24 Weeks
Next School: TBD
The ABC is a 24 -week YWAM third level school that equips students to bring freedom and restoration to those who are in bondage because of addictive behaviors.
It explores the causes of severe physical, psychological, spiritual, and social problems which result from addiction. The ABC is designed as a 24-weeks training program in Two Phases. Lecture phase is 12 weeks followed by the 12 weeks of outreach which is an integral part of the training.
Length: 12 Weeks
Next School: January 2025
The Titus Project is a 12-week field assignment for School of Biblical Studies (SBS) graduates. The program is a 3-week intensive lecture phase and 8-week outreach that equips participants with basic tools and training to increase their effectiveness as communicators of God's Word. The target audience of the outreach is the local church in places that don't have access to Bible training.
Length: 7 Weeks
Fall 2024 : Sept 30th - Nov 25th, 2024
This exciting course focuses on intimacy with God, heart transformation, immediate application of truth and world vision. Since 1960, YWAM has trained and sent over 5 million people into the world to make an impact for the Kingdom of God. The Evening Discipleship Course (EDC) provides a way for the community to engage in this world-renowned missions training.
YWAM Salem, Oregon → We want to help you discover your passions and gifts and provide channels for you to use those to serve God in the world and missions.
Address: 7085 Battle Creek Rd SE Salem, OR 97317 — Phone Number: 1-971-719-1134