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Prerequisite: Completion of a YWAM DTS
I had only been on staff at YWAM Salem for four months when the world decided to shut down.
I had just returned back from a short-term trip to Thailand, and was transitioning back into my everyday job. The next thing I knew, the news was going crazy, and the stay at home order was highly encouraged. So, being back for only a few days, I had to pack up my office space and set it up at home. And it felt like everything had changed; my home, my work, even the YWAM campus. I had to adapt to social distancing, staying at home, and as the campus started to change rapidly I had to adapt to a life in isolation.
But I realized there was so much good even in the transition and change.
And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose. (Romans 8:28)
God was consistently faithful when I chose to give up control in my unknown circumstances, because I knew that he had called me according to His purposes and not my own.
It took me a few weeks of wrestling, contemplating, and questioning if God really did call me into missions for a purpose, especially during a time like this. I couldn't go to the nations, I couldn’t even leave my house! How was I supposed to “go and make disciples of all nations”? Thankfully, God encouraged me to keep my eyes on Him, and he began to teach me how to give this time to Him.
Here are three key things God spoke while in isolation:
Being a part of a generation that is in constant "go go go" mode, I often forget to stop, take a breather and be still before God. Quarantine offered space, everything was stripped away and all I had was God. Even though I was still working from home, I now had extra time, and quickly realized how much I needed it. The Creator of the universe was asking me to be still before Him; to sit, listen, and receive all His presence had to offer.
Psalm 46:10 says “Be still, and know that I am God” in context, the author of this Psalm is talking about God being a refuge, and strength in times of trouble and fear. Just like this season of fear and uncertainty, God is asking us to take a step back and just be still and know that he is God. To trust that He is in control of this whole pandemic, even when we can’t understand, and trust that He is God and he’s in control.
During the summer I was able to staff our Discipleship Training School (DTS) and the word “remember” was constantly showing up during worship and intercession. All I could think was, “God what are you asking me to remember?” This was a tough question for me because a lot of the time I struggle with remembering what God has done, especially when uncontrollable circumstances derail me.
In Deuteronomy 8, Moses is urging Israel to remember all that God has done for them; to remember as they enter the promised land that Israel has done nothing to achieve the land, God alone has done it all. As they are in the wilderness God was teaching them to rely on Him alone, it wasn’t to punish or hurt them, but because He loved them and wanted the best for them.
Like Israel, as I was quarantined from the rest of the campus, God was asking me to remember everything He had done in my life. To remember all of the promises He had spoken over me and, to recognize that all I have in my life Has come from Him. The things that seem unknown to me are not meant to punish or hurt me, but because God does have a greater plan, I have to trust and remember that He is in control and that He does have the best in store for me.
What does trusting God look like for you in this season?
In this season, for me, it was surrendering control even when circumstances were changing rapidly. I felt like I had been thrown into this big cloud of fog and I had no clue how to walk forward. Trusting God in the unknown looked like grabbing His hand and knowing fully that He would lead me into goodness and never let go, even though I couldn't see in front of me. I definitely questioned His leadership and His goodness, but when I chose to trust Him, my perspective of worry, uncertainty, and anxiety turned into assurance that God is with me in the unknown.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. (Proverbs 3:5-6)
When we choose to trust God, our circumstances don’t go away, but we can know that when we trust God, the outcome will be good for us. Trusting God through quarantine stretched me beyond what I thought I could handle but I am thankful for His constant reminder to surrender my own thoughts to Him. And even in the midst of world-wide fear, and isolation God is still speaking, and he wants to speak to you too!
So even in the unknowns we can cling to God; we can know him in the stillness when nothing else seems stable or sure. He is faithful to nudge us to remember all that He has done, and promises to continue to be with us. He is in the unknowns, and we can trust Him as we walk in His ways because He has purpose even when we can’t see it.
This life is crazy and there’s no telling what will happen next month, even the next day, but I do know without a doubt that God is present in all of it and that I can rely on Him to bring me through anything.
And hey, even though COVID is still on the move, so is our Discipleship Training School (DTS). The Great Commission (Matt. 28:18-20) has not stopped! Sign up for a DTS at YWAM Salem today, God will not disappoint!
* As COVID still remains, YWAM Salem has been following all of our state guidelines and communicating with our city to make sure that we are abiding by all the rules . Check out our COVID updates on our website.
These Stories on Spiritual Growth
YWAM Salem, Oregon → We want to help you discover your passions and gifts and provide channels for you to use those to serve God in the world and missions.
Address: 7085 Battle Creek Rd SE Salem, OR 97317 — Phone Number: 1-971-719-1134
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